The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 34: Ryoko Shinonome 1

Woo-hoo! We did it! We’re free! But, despite my bloviating last update, I did not actually have any sort of plan for what to do if Nenji lost that poll. So… I took a second poll!

This first question let people pick three options in an attempt to mitigate the effect of having so many candidates.

The second was a straight ranking of every candidate.

What did I learn from this? Pretty much nothing! I’m not equipped to analyze this data, so it really just confused things further! Well, that’s not entirely true. I did realize one thing: polling is just not gonna work out, you guys! While the two sets of results were largely too different to compare (besides a couple of constants like Juro at #1 and Megumi at #3, the really concerning thing I noticed was that Miura was all the way at the bottom of the first poll and 2/3 of the way down on the second. Remember, we’ve only ever picked him once. We need to see his scenes eventually, people!

Honestly, that was the thing that made me finally realize this probably won’t work out in the long-term, because this game does suffer a bit if you actively ignore people for long periods. It was a beautiful dream, but alas, it was not meant to be. I’ll be taking the reins from here.

Wait, that move didn’t actually kill Friez—eh, who cares, I don’t even really like Dragon Ball that much

We’re finally going to go start Ryoko’s story.

Chapter 34: Ryoko Shinonome 1

Music: Taking It Easy (Kazuki Higashihara)

Ida refers to Ryoko as “Shinonome-kun” which confused me as I thought “-kun” was exclusively for boys, but apparently it is a way some male teachers address female students.

Will you answer it for me?

Ida just walks away. How rude.

*annoyed sigh*

You are to avoid contact with me while at school. I will make an exception this once. What is your question?

You are special.

I knew you’d be special… That something might… happen between us.


Consider Mr. Ida

(Mr. Ida, the substitute teacher. He’s here to fill in while our teacher is on maternity leave. I’ve come to find he’s quite mysterious… and comes with his own set of secrets.)

The investigation unit is watching us. As it stands, we are already an unofficial organization. It is not wise for us to stand out any more than we already do. I have told you this before.

Is that clear?

Well, I just…

Use Mr. Ida on Mr. Ida

I’ve never felt this way before. Just thinking about you makes me—

While you are important to me—To *all* of us… You and the rest of those chosen as pilots… Your well-being is of the utmost importance *to the mission*.

Please don’t cause any trouble for me, Shinonome-kun.

The line read on this one is just incredibly fucking sinister. Girl, you need to move on from this guy, and not just because he’s your teacher.

Your intelligence and adaptability are above average.

Sweet, her Dark Souls II build is looking pretty strong then! :toot:

And your piloting technique is more than sufficient. With you on our side, we stand a real chance. But, you must be fully committed to the cause. To achieve victory, one must prepare with a full heart… And great tenacity.

Consider Victory

(The internet has been talking of nothing but what happened last week. A group of invaders had come ashore. Their attack held back by a mysterious robot…)

We won’t be able to overcome this danger.

Use Victory on Mr. Ida

If we don’t defend against the attacks on this city… It is no exaggeration when I say that the world *will* be destroyed. We succeeded in defeating them in the first battle. By ensuring that they were unable to reach the heart of the city… We were able to minimize the damage that was done. But the invasion is just beginning. That attack is nothing compared to what’s coming.

What do you want with Ryoko-senpai?

I’m the one who asked to talk to him.
That is true. Nevertheless, we are drawing attention to ourselves. I’m leaving.

Are you certain?
Yes. I’ve made up my mind.
Then we will meet after school. I’ll give you more details then.
Wait. I’m in too.
You will fight as well?
Yeah. I’ll do it. I’ll go with Ryoko-senpai.
That is excellent news. Then I will see you after school as well.

I am.

Music: Go Sentinels, Go! (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

Area D-7. 23 remain in the 7th wave.

Explosions fire off in the distance throughout this scene.

No. 14 has secured a path. Just a little more… Don’t stop, you’re almost there.

More explosions.

No. 14 has taken damage.
Shinonome-kun, pull back.

No. 17, assist No. 14. No. 17…? No response.

Music: Hack and Crash (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

Suddenly, several popups appear on the holographic screens.

I’m not getting a response from Sekigahara, either.
The system’s being attacked.
From where?
Through the laser link. The attack is originating from No. 15.
Sekigahara’s transmitting it to every Sentinel.

More missiles explode in the background.

Our defenses are down.
Juro, fall back! Our position has become critical.

My head… it’s throbbing…
Both Sentinels are showing abnormalities in their system.
I can’t move…

More missiles. The popups change from yellow to red.

I can’t shut off the link. We’re going to lose all units at this rate.

But we don’t have time to adjust the settings.
Do it as is.
The link will be shut off that way… But we’ll have no idea where they go.
The pilots’ lives are the priority.

No. 12 and 19 transmitted.
No. 14 has completed transmission. No response from the others.

The kaiju are almost here. We need to go. We can figure out the reason afterward.
I was able to access the autonomous type No. 8. We can buy time with that. You two head for the gate.

I’d rather not die a meaningless death.
Ms. Morimura, we need to go.

Gouto then powerwalks away, I guess because they didn’t actually give him a running animation.

Wait, Tomi, Miwako, and Nenji!?

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Ryoko’s “thinking” animation has her loosely grasping her head while her frail body sways back and forth. It’s kinda neat.

Consider Mr. Ida

He stayed on the battlefield, to the very end… All so we could escape. *on the verge of tears*

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

426 is a dangerous criminal.


Remember what Mr. Ida said. To achieve victory… One must prepare with great tenacity.

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Consider 426

(Prisoner number 426. That’s what he was called when imprisoned in the future. And now he travels through time, trying to thwart our work.)

Ooh, a gun!

Examine Phaser

(There’s still some ammo left.)

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Well, let’s go hunting.

Music: Lonely Struggle (Rikako Watanabe)

I’ve got you cornered now, 426.

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

And if I don’t come willingly?
If you want to resist, feel free.

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Use 426 on Ei Sekigahara

Who told you I was 426?
I saw the access logs. It was you, Ei Sekigahara. The program that infected the Sentinels. It was created with 426’s ID.
Looks like someone left some foolish evidence behind.

Use Mr. Ida on Ei Sekigahara

I don’t care. But I can’t forgive you for what you did to Mr. Ida.

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

You… You’re still going on about Ida?

Use Phaser on Ei Sekigahara

I should kill you right here…

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

*chuckle* Then do it. Shoot me.

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

I’m serious! I’ll do it! *pulls trigger, empty click*

*pulls trigger twice more*

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Argh… *drops phaser*

Really? With those injuries?

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

What are you doing?

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Empty. Like I thought. They’ll wear off soon.

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

An entire segment of her file is just dedicated to explaining why everyone calls her Senpai.

Ryoko Shinonome is voiced by Kira Buckland, the internet’s #1 pick for the English voice of Jolyne Cujoh because she just loves that character so much. She also voiced Reimi in Diamond is Unbreakable, 2B in NieR Automata, Ichinose in Persona 5 Strikers, and Edna in Tales of Zestiria, a game I hate with all my soul!

So, what next? Well, that’s for me to decide and you to find out. It’s a brave new future out there, untamed and unknown. At least for now.